Book an appointment!

Speak with one of our coaches for upwards of 45 minutes about all your running needs - whether that is general info, equipment or shoe recommendation, form critique, race day prep, what to expect, course strategy, etc. Book a slot below and let’s me help get you to your goals!

For 1:1 Coaching Inquiry and Pricing - book FREE initial consultation



OTR belief when it comes to training is holistic training, training as a whole. Training each portion of the body so you are well rounded, that includes physically, mentally, flexibility, nutrition, and strength. I offer a variety of services to help you achieve your goals. Training Plan

All our RRCA Running Coaches specialize in writing personalized training plans based on your background, goals, course route, and race you have in mind. Whether that is Marathon, Half, 15K, 10K, or 5K. Let’s find your routine to best prepare you for race day.

Strength + Conditioning

Coach Nicole is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer with 5+ years of experience, strength training truly starts the building blocks when it comes to conquering a race. I believe in intentional cross training, moving with purpose. Avoiding going through the motions, and start training biomechanics with a goal in mind.

Mental Fitness

Mentality. In the mess of it all training mentality is 80% of the game, if you lack drive and a WHY behind all your goals, they will FAIL. Point blank. Training your mind is just as important when it comes to a race, being able to say no to the voices in your head that tell you you can’t, and believing in yourself is so important.

*Prices provided after initial consultation